The Walt lab has pioneered technologies that have improved our ability to analyze important biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, metabolites, enzymes, and extracellular vesicles. Our technologies, including Single Molecule Arrays, have allowed us to push the boundaries of high sensitivity biomarker detection. Today the lab is composed of an interdisciplinary team of passionate and motivated scientists and engineers, including chemists, biologists, biomedical engineers, computer scientists, and physicians who continue to develop new technologies while at the same time applying them to better understanding human disease. We apply our technologies primarily towards understanding and diagnosing diseases processes including cancer, infectious diseases and neurodegenerative diseases.

Group News


Huge congratulations to our Breast Cancer team led by Dr. Walt and Dr. Justin Rolando for their continued efforts and breakthroughs featured on the New York Times and MGB!

  • What an exciting day at our lab’s retreat! Full of insightful science, and camaraderie!

Congratulations Justin for winning two poster sessions:

Top poster among Research Fellows and Instructors, Harvard Medical School Pathology Research Retreat, “A Blood Test Combined with Mammography for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer.”, June 2024.

Selected for presentation in Closing Keynote Session at Bioanalytical Sensors Gordon Research Conference 2024one of four from 128 postersDevelopment of single-molecule technologies integrated with machine learning for the quantitative analysis of fungal resistance, early breast cancer detection, and identification of neonatal sepsis.”, June 2024.


– Congratulations Yasmeen for winning the “Poster of Distinction” at the 2023 HMS Pathology Research Retreat!

– We welcome Katie Lyon the lab!

– Welcome Chungmin Han to the lab!

– Welcome Careanne Rijnja to the lab!

– Welcome Louise Hansen to the lab!

– Welcome Yu-Chi Cheng and Karan Malhotra to the lab!

– Welcome Sydney D’Amaddio (TRA) to the lab!

– Welcome Kean Hean Ooi, rotation student!

Summer – Fall 2022

– Welcome Shira Roth (postdoctoral fellow) to the lab!

– Huge congratulations to Tal for receiving the Excellence award from the Women’s Postdoctoral Career Development Award in Science Committee, from the Weizman Institute of Science.

– Welcome Ella Borberg (postdoctoral fellow) to the lab!

– Welcome Stephanie Zhang (postdoctoral fellow) and Anton Thieme (Masters student) to the lab!